Meet Chef Elyse Keegan of Plant Matter Kitchen | Ontario Culinary
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Meet Chef Elyse Keegan of Plant Matter Kitchen

Everyone knows that the best parties always end in the kitchen. With the Kitchen Party Series, we’re sitting down with Feast On Chefs to get to know them, and the local foods that inspire them, a little better.

Chef Elyse Keegan

Plant Matter Kitchen

London, ON

Checkout their Feast On profile here!

What’s your favourite seasonal ingredient to use in your dishes?

Fresh vegetables in every season but especially foraged local mushrooms in the fall.

What’s your drink of choice?

I love fresh lemonade and kombucha of any kind.

Most underrated plant-based ingredient, who’s flavor delights diners?

Barley or brown rice aged Miso paste are two ingredients that add a certain amount of umami flavour that elevates flavours in vegan dishes to another level.

Favourite restaurants?

Plant Matter Kitchen, Plant Matter Bistro and Plant Matter Café.

What’s the best part of working with Ontario food and drink?

The support and the marketing exposure of local suppliers and farmers that work hard to grow, market and produce so many beautiful fruits and vegetables that make up a large portion of vegan cuisine.

Why is Feast On important to you and your restaurants?

The amount of support from various government and not for profit organizations is important. The growing vegan food landscape needs this type of support to further the end of animal and environmental destruction in our province.

Fill in the blank:”If I entered a competitive eating contest, I’d definitely win if the item was . . .

Pie. Pie of any kind – as long as it’s vegan, I’m in!

What does your ‘Perfect Weekend’ in London look like?

Walks in any of our beautiful parks, our fabulous festivals, the vegan food scene and the number of vegan restaurants that use local farmers as their suppliers directly.
